What is Voviology?

Voviology is a religious practice that was founded by Venerable Master on August 29, 1977, to elevate ones’ moral values through constant focus on learning and making changes at the subconscious level during the journey to spiritual evolution. Through the knitting of strong moral values, a stronger and safe society can slowly emerge within different communities.  

What are our Goals?

In additions to spiritual development, our goal is to develop a World Museum of Cultures, History, Art, Religions, and Doctrines (CHARD), in order, to point out the common point between the latter. Through knowledge and understanding, a stronger and safer society can slowly emerge within different communities. Our museum is currently in development. Our research team, led by Dr. Tan Nhat Chau, Ph.D. is collecting artifacts from different religions, cultures and expressing the common points through mirror of Voviology culture. Dr. Tan Nhat Chau has traveled across the world researching and bringing together this future project.


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